Chance is an independent film directed, written and produced by Amber Benson (best known for her role as Tara Maclay in Buffy the Vampire Slayer). This film has a weird yet sweet plot and the same goes for the story of it's creation. As an independent film Benson funded this film by herself with help from her family and friends but after a while the money wasn't enough. This lead to Benson calling upon her fans to help fund her new project and they came through because in 2002 Chance was released. This film was never picked up for distribution by a big distribution company like many other independent films so Benson distributed it herself.
The film itself has a non-linear timeline so if you struggle with movies that do this (an example of this could be memento, an extreme example but one none the less) you may struggle with the beginning half hour of this film. Don't let this put you off though because once you get past the possible confusion you get to the real story of Chance. Chance (Amber Benson) is a twenty-something year old who has Simon (James Marsters) living on her couch. It is revealed later that Simon is Chance's best friend, although it is clear to the audience her realisation of it makes her character seem more realistic. Chance, herself is a strong individual that gets scared by a drug addicted girl overdosing on her bed. Both Simon and Chance are mortified by this incident and find comfort in each other but this as you can imagine doesn't go very well and the two have a fight. From this point the audience get conflict, realisation and a relate-able viewing of life as the movie develops. (I'm going to stop before I spoil it)
From the first five minutes of watching this film you can tell it is independent. The use of Benson's camera shots, the picture quality, and the overall content of the film tells you this. But also, it is the reality of the film that makes it clear this is not a blockbuster, it is very real and easily related to which makes the ending even better. This film was captivating, intriguing and very funny, I just could not stop watching it for even a second. Benson really surpassed my expectations of this film. Plus for all the Buffy fans out there: costume, sets and actors all appear throughout the film (so keep your eyes peeled).
Recommendation: Over 15, because of the content and language but otherwise most people would enjoy this film, especially if you like the conventions of independent film and spotting things from other productions.
Link to the Chance website: http://www.chancemovie.com