Basically, the film centers around Seth and Jay's friendship as it has deteriorated since they have been apart and Seth has made lots of new Hollywood friends, especially James Franco. They go to Franco's house party when suddenly apocalypse alert and the six main stars (seen on the poster) have to survive the apocalypse together and work to get along, especially Jay who did not want to go to the party a part with these people, let alone spend an apocalypse with them.
Overall, this film was not as good as I expected it to be. It had its humorous moments, especially when one of the stars gets slightly possessed and they get slightly robbed by a particular British actress. For me the highlight was the (hopefully) amped up caricature of himself that Franco plays. I would recommend this film to anyone that wants a light film to watch on the evening of a busy day as it just very easy to watch and enjoy.
RATING: 3.5 out of 5 stars