Thursday, 22 October 2015

Frozen thoughts

If you have read any of past posts on this site you probably realised that I am a rather large fan of both Joss Whedon and Disney. Disney has always on my little film brain since before I can even remember. I love Disney, everything about it from the music, to the films, to the channel (maybe older disney channel). I really believe that this love comes from always having Disney at my disposal.
I really didn't think that Disney could create a film in their 'classics' that I wouldn't love but then Frozen happened. Personally, I always find that when I say that I don't like Frozen I regularly get questioned because I'm a Disney fan and I should like all things Disney but Frozen for me just doesn't cut it. The first thing that really made me go against Frozen was purely Elsa being voiced by Endina Menzel she just doesn't sound right, and I do not apologise for this, but she sounds too old for the character. The Second thing that got me was how the songs kind of just lacked that something that Disney songs have even in the classics immediately before Frozen, Tangled and Princess and the Frog, had this thing that makes me immediately love them. Don't get me wrong 'Let it Go' has it, although the Endina Menzel version again bugs me because again too old.
However, I do have a theory that all of this (apart from the voice) may simply be because of the hype that surrounded this film. A lot of what people said about it annoyed me before I even saw the film because a lot of what they were saying was wrong. I heard so much, 'Only film showing sisterly love' and 'only disney film with an unexpected love interest' which personally I think are both wrong. One example of sisterly love (which is much better than Frozen) would be Lilo and Stitch. Unexpected Love interest please, it was obvious that they were going to go together because please like Hans was not the villain. It wasn't going to be Elsa once her outfit turned blue.
Also, when people like expressed their surprise at the twist of Hans being evil it was like King Candy all over again, these people do not understand the Disney Villian rule. Purple = EVIL.

Rant over now, go back to regular daily lives. Lots of love.

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Wednesday, 14 October 2015

Sci-Fi Ramble Anyone?

Personally I am way more of a sic-fi girl myself than anything else, apart from eighties films, but hey one of the best sci-fi films ever came from the eighties right? Although I do prefer the more traditional sic-fi films that show a bright future rather than a dingy one. It's just that I would much rather think of my possible future with a positive outcome than a negative one. Don't get me wrong, I love the Hunger Games and The Maze Runner and I certainly love Firefly all of which are slightly dingy versions of the future with two out of three being based around the outcome of a war. But for the most part I prefer when there is a shiny city with lots of lights and flying cars and possible aliens, I wouldn't say no to an alien film maybe apart from Alien which I guess is the quintessential alien film it being called alien and all. My favourite sci-fi films and TV shows definitely revolve around a future theme, whether it be going back to the future or it being all in the future. I just like all the ideas surrounding it, to find out which ones are going to happen and which ones aren't. I feel war is inevitable though because there is just so much hate in the world which makes me hope and pray that maybe our world to come will be Firefly which would make me a very happy little Joss Whedon fan (we need a word for us, I mean its more than just Buffy in the Whedonverse, #Slayerette). Maybe without the Reavers though, I'd be happy if they stayed fictional but I kind of doubt that they would.
Anyway, Sci-fi preference for myself is the future, preferably featuring space cowboys and ships. Which technically means that I prefer a sub-genre of a Sci-fi, god damn it people genre doesn't fit into a neat little box as much as I very much want it too!

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