Let’s start out by saying that this film is a Batman film done entirely
in Lego. Yes, it has a ‘The Lego Movie’ take on that but if you are not
inclined to the Batman universe from Adam West to Ben Affleck there are a lot
of jokes that you probably won’t get. The
Lego Batman Movie (McKay, 2017) is a very well done family film that anyone
can enjoy as it is just funny even if you don’t understand the insane amount of
references. The film follows Batman as he yearns to have a family and yet won’t
admit to such because he is batman and he works alone. This film questions the
batman universe, much like its big brother did as well with the Lego universe.
Ok, so what I really enjoyed about this film was of course the animation
because it’s so well done, to the point that my friend was convinced the film
was in stop motion. The humour is sarcastic and yet simple enough for younger
viewers to understand without it boring to adults. Will Arnet as Batman is
perfection, his batman voice is much better than others *cough* Christian Bale *cough*, to be honest all the
casting in this is pretty perfect. None of the voices took me out of the film
and made me think ‘woah, that didn’t sound right’ or make me think about who
the actor was as they sounded different from themselves which is always good.
Now the stuff that wasn’t so good. My only
real complaint about this film is the amount of jokes. There was just too many,
it was as though the next joke had started being told before you had even
finished laughing at the first one. It was just a constant barrage of jokes,
some of which not everyone would have gotten anyway because they where so deep
within the batman universe that very few of the biggest batman fans would have
understood them fully. But again, this is really my only complaint. Which I
guess means that it’s a pretty good film.
Overall, a very entertaining film where you
get to see Batman rap and be lonely which is an interesting take on the
character. If you liked The Lego Movie then
you will most likely enjoy this film too because the humour is very similar. I
would say that even if you aren’t the biggest Batman fan go and see it because
past it being a batman film it is a very clever satire of superhero films in a
more general way, obviously specifically batman but don’t let it stop you is my
point because it is a little bit more than that. Although, any Batman fans
reading this that haven’t seen it, you will probably go mad with the amount of
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