5. The horned King - Starting this list off with a villain that way too many do not know about. In
4. Ursula - Here we have a villain that is very scary for my almost three year old niece, she's cool with her until she becomes a giant at the end. Ursula is sassy, and conniving, she knows what she wants and how to trick others into getting it for her. Honesty, Ursula is such a fun villain to watch and I look forward to her being played by a drag queen in the upcoming live-action film because c'mon how could she not be?!
3. Captain Hook - Perhaps one of the most pathetic (I'm sorry) villains on this list. I mean c'mon no matter how hard he tries he can't catch a prankster that never grows up. Peter Pan is like what 10 maybe? and Hook cannot catch him. The man is also terrified of a ticking crocodile and jumps onto his righthand man whenever he hears that clock going. I love you Captain Hook simply because you are one of the most fun Disney Villains.

1. Maleficent - This probably comes at no surprise if you have read my first Disney favourites but Maleficent is my most favourite Disney Villain and has been for years. For starters she is gorgeous, like seriously look at her (those cheekbones could cut glass). She is also so badass, living alone in a castle, millions of minions at her service, wearing all black, being the most feared creature across the land. Maleficent is a badass and honestly probably has the most understandable reason for her wicked deeds. She was pissed because she was the only person not invited to Aurora's christening or Birth party, what person wouldn't be pissed. I mean she takes it to the extreme of being pissed, but as priorly mentioned she is a badass.
Thank you for taking your time to read my Disney ramble, I am very happy to have you. Make sure to come back next week as I put up blog posts every Sunday at 7 o'clock UK time. And if you think others should take a read of my ramble why don't you share this with your friends on Facebook or Twitter.
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