shows that the person saying such has never actually watched a full episode of an anime. Anyway, I don't believe that a piece of media should be labelled as something for 'children' simply because it was animated.
Moving away from Anime. I do realise that Disney primarily make 'family' features, and the same goes for Pixar and Dreamworks. However, that does not mean that these features are simply created for the enjoyment of children alone. For example, if you watch pretty much any 'family' film as an adult one should pick up on many adult jokes created through innuendos etc. Yes, you could say that these jokes are put in to make it 'bearable' for the adults in the audience. Which I don't think is really true, since animated media that is created purely for children do not have these jokes and yet parents, babysitters etc do, a lot of the time, also watch along with the children.

I personally don't believe that anything should be dismissed because of what it looks like (wider universe stuff, get back to media). Just because an piece of media is animated doesn't mean that people should look down on it as just a 'kids' show. (yes I'm talking to the parents out there that let their year 2 children watch Family Guy because it's just a cartoon). I understand that children don't always understand the jokes or more adult references that are implied in 'family' animation but that doesn't mean that all things that are animated do it the same way.
Shows like 'Family Guy' should not be watched by children, they don't hide the adult references. There is literally an episode where one of the characters takes magic mushrooms and you see pretty much all of the rest of the episode through his very high brain.
I don't really have much to conclude on other that don't think that all things animated are created equal. As in don't think that simply because it is animated means that it is suitable for children. (I shall point out here that there are 'adult' movies that are animated).
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