friend comic relief kind of thing. So, after that initial teaser trailer I was intrigued, so I guess trailers work y'know. When the second one came out I was rather excited to see what else they were going to reveal. Second teaser trailer come out and I was ready, I didn't need to watch any other trailers, all I knew was that I needed to watch this film as soon as possible. I then was very upset to realise that as with all PIXAR and Disney animated releases we, in the UK, get them a month after the US (sidetone: so unfair). After all that I have now finally seen this film and I was very happy with it which I guess is a bit of spoiler for how this review is going to go but unlike my last few review it's not like I don't have any complaints about this film. Let's get to it!
A bit of a synopsis, non spoiler orientated. Cars 3 brings back Lightning McQueen to the spotlight as he continues racing without focusing on the trophy and winning but having fun and enjoying racing no matter what the outcome. However, as the new breed of racing cars start to take over McQueen is the only 'old' racer left on the track but how long he will be there doesn't look to good. In order to continue to race McQueen goes on a journey of self discovery with his new trainer Cruz Ramirez in order to get quicker than the supercar rookies that have taken over the track. Now onto the review.
Firstly, thank you PIXAR for ditching the Mater the spy thing and acting as though that never happened. Possibly my favourite thing is that PIXAR basically completely ignored that Cars 2 exists throughout Cars 3. I really enjoyed the storyline of this one, I liked how it twists and turns and kept the audience on their feet. In addition to this I really loved the flashbacks of Doc that may have made me cry rather a lot (damn you PIXAR!). This movie, in my mind, completely made up for the wreck that was its predecessor and I really enjoyed enjoyed it. I liked the new characters, I like how it really tugged on my heart strings. It also had Nathan Fillion in it which is always going to give something extra points from me because I adore Mr Fillion in whatever he does.
On to my very few complaints about this film which aren't like ugh I hate these things, it's more a comparison of what I love about the first one that was just kind of lacking in this one. Firstly, the soundtrack. It was good don't get me wrong it just wasn't as good as the first one which I listen to rather a lot. The soundtrack from Cars just fits so perfectly with the first film and I just felt as though this one was a bit random and didn't always fit as well as it could have done. Secondly, there wasn't enough radiator springs, I missed the original characters whom we do get to see for little bits throughout the film but I just wish that there was a little bit more because I missed them. However, I realise that not all of them could go on his self discovery journey and he needed to go somewhere new in order to connect with racing and Doc in order to discover and realise what he needed to. So I'm cool with it but still like, I missed them.
Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed the next instalment to the Cars series and how it completely ignored the one that came before it and went back to what cars do best which is racing. PIXAR have restored my trust in them and that Toy Story 4 and The Incredibles 2 will be so awesome and probably make me cry (I'm basically 100% sure that Toy Story 4 will make me cry). They have made up for Cars 2 although it was not as good as the first one but they can't do a Toy Story Trilogy with every trilogy they create because let's face it that it probably one of the best trilogies ever made because every single one of them is awesome. I'm getting off topic...basically, I really enjoyed it, can't wait for future PIXAR releases and you should go to the cinema and see this film if you haven't already.
Rating: 4 stars out of 5
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