cursed with bad luck because something bad has happened to basically every member of their family at least once including themselves. One of the two brothers, played by Channing Tatum, puts forward a plan to rob a vault at the Charlotteville motor speedway in order to get a lawyer so that he can fight for his right to see his daughter whom may move away soon. The other brother, played by Adam Driver, doesn't like the sound of this but goes along with it anyway because their family and he trusts his brother. As the story develops, so does their team and their plan. The Logan's curse does seem to crop up on occasion but it doesn't stop them from going through with the plan.
Overall, I really enjoyed this film. Out of this and The Dark Tower I would definitely watch this one again out of the two. It's funny when it tries to be funny and has a well thought out twist that I honestly didn't see coming. The acting by everyone is well done. The stand out performance would be from Daniel Craig whom honestly if you did not know who he was you would think he was southern American and not English at all. There's no essence of Bond about him in this film. As well as Adam Driver whom you'd never think is also Kylo Ren in the newest Star Wars trilogy. This film really proves how talented these guys are, and how they can perform whatever character you ask for. It's a rather lighthearted comedy that has some stand out moments indeed but I'm not sure how above average it truly is. Logan Lucky probably won't be a film that I would run out to buy on DVD because I need it in my collection but if I spy it on Netflix or Amazon Prime in a few months time I will definitely be giving it another watch if I'm in for an easy comedy that I know will make me laugh. I don't really have anything picky to say about the film overall, just that there are better films out there. However, being serious now thank goodness for an original film that truly is very good, although missing something that I can't put my finger on. It just needed like an extra sprinkling of something to make it really outstanding. Although saying that it is unique and I don't think I've ever seen a film quite like it, very enjoyable indeed.
Rating: 4 out of 5. It's just missing something to push it into outstanding but definitely worth a watch or two.
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