much as I did. For a long long time my favourite edition of Charles Dickens' novel 'A Christmas Carol' has been the Muppets version. I can't help it, I love the muppets and Christmas films and when you smoosh them both together I can help but let it settle into place in my top Christmas movies of all time. This rendition of that many-a-time told story is so unique and new, and honestly just so captivating.
Basically, to tell you a little bit about the film, Charles Dickens (Dan Stevens) has had quite a few flops after the hit of 'Oliver Twist' and is struggling to come up with a new story to tell. He needs money quite badly and comes up with the idea to write a Christmas book. Dickens is laughed out of the proposal meeting with his publishers as this has never been done before and Christmas had become a minor holiday on peoples calendars. Nevertheless, Dickens believes in his idea and decides he shall pay for everything himself and get it printed in time for Christmas (which is a mere two months away). He struggles with his characters and the story in general but obviously manages to write the book that has become a household title.
It's so interesting to watch a different angle on this story. I have never really done any research or know anything really about Charles Dickens but it was so intriguing finding out all the backstory behind this classic book. The audience get to find out what he struggled with and see where he got the names for his characters and phrases such as 'bah, humbug'. I honestly never realised how much Charles Dickens changed the face of Christmas. I'm sure the royal family being German had a little to do with it, but references are made to this particular book of Dickens' since it was first written. There are countless references made in TV and film, even in Fashion (I'm talking Christmas apparel here). Even if someone isn't into something (although especially Christmas) they will surely be called Scrooge.
Overall, I really loved this film. I loved the insight into how Dickens wrote his book and created Characters. How he had a crappy childhood and how that effected how he wrote and what he wrote about. The performances by the entire cast are mesmerising, you really just get lost in the story and forget who they are in reality. It also left me with a heart filled with Christmas cheer, which I'm sure was Charles Dickens' aim with the book (I doubt he could even imagine film in general let alone a film about him writing that book doing it). It's honestly just such a warming movie and the perfect thing to watch this Christmas, and perhaps next year too.
Rating: 5 out of 5 (for personal production of Christmas cheer)
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