- Phantom Thread - This was a very interesting film. It was so twisty and kinda twisted at the end. I enjoyed it but it definitely left me speechless, I needed to think about it for a while after I watched it. This film was certainly an interesting one, not for everyone but if you are into your more arty original films, then maybe give this one a go.
- Black Panther - One of the best marvel films ever. It's black-ness was my favourite thing about it. I think it made an important stance politically by having a film like this, but not any film a blockbusting superhero film. This film was funny and I felt like it really gave you a window into a positively portrayed black society, because so often they aren't portrayed positively lets face it. I really enjoyed it, not my favourite marvel film but it was very good and is definitely up there.
- The Mercy - The most depressing film on this list by far. I honestly don't have a lot to say about it past that. Rachel Weiss was amazing, very much in the same vein as Alicia Vikander in the Danish Girl. As in, they both play wives to the main character but steal the show with their amazing acting skills. Good film but majorly depressing.
- Status Update - This was a throwback moment for me. My friend and I were both major Disney Channel kids and felt that this film had a major DCOM vibe to it. We were right and I think that my 14 year old self would've been all over it, although my 20 year old self still had a pretty good time watching it. It had its funny moments and was just a fun, silly film.
- The Shape of Water - This film was my top running for Best Picture at the Oscars and I was right, mwahahaha another year in a row I was correct. It is simply the most beautiful film in terms of it's story and it's design/look. The main characters literally seem to cover every lesser shown category of person: a mute, a gay man, a black women, and a fish man (so maybe some scaley vibes there). It is a beautiful tale of forbidden love, that is tragic and broke my heart.
- Lady Bird, x2 - I adored this film, I think it is such an insightful look into family life and specifically the relationship between a mother and daughter. It is so well written, it isn't just handed to you on a plate you really need to be an active watcher when watching this film or you won't get everything. Honestly, just go watch it. It is amazing.

Thank you so much for reading, I'm sorry about the lack of blog posts recently having a bit of a dissertation panic as I have to hand it in at the end of this month which is terrifying. I'm almost through with uni and have to go out into the real world, scary times I'm in right now. But, yeah, thanks for reading and hopefully I shall be posting again next Wednesday or Sunday.
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